I would like to introduce NAHOK, protection case guard for music instrument.
I’m a designer of NAHOK,Nahoko Kimura.
Pleases look at Nahok case on this site.
It just looks a lovely flute case cover.
However, it has a great function outside and also inside.
For outside, we use perfect waterproof material from Germany ‘Super Tilt’
which is used for Olympic Dome tent, made by incredible strong yean.
We also put waterproof fastener.
We use classified weapon for keeping sounds.
That is Super Heat Insulation.
Players already know how it works after they used.
But, if you are not playing, it should be a bit difficult to understand.
Most of Orchestra players says,
「My sound recently never changes.
The sound was really steady after used NAHOK. 」
We could get the great answer more than our expectation.
So, Nahok was a big hit in Japan after that getting popular
in the world.
Players had been liked to use boa material inside.
It's soft and warm in hard case, but
musical instruments need more real protection.
Our special material, Super heat insulator keeps
from Temperature adjustment and humidity regulation.
It protects a musical instrument from heat and cold.
At moderate temperature is maintained not too cold, not too hotly.
And humidity is also adjusted.
Moderate humidity is maintained so that it may not dry too much, and
it may not become wet too much.
The sound changes at once when keeping it in the place with humidity.
It is necessary to protect it from the cold due to the heat.
We researched a lot with professional flutist.
And we finery founded the secret weapon.
Do you know such a function case before?
It is not just a flute case cover.
Please call the NAHOK flute case guard.
Sub-materials such as waterproof fasteners and others are made in Japan.
Needlework is of course 100% made in Japan, not in China, not in other country.
The musician likes the real sound and the real products.
Please try to use NAHOK for protecting music instrument and for respecting
Thank you for your attention.
Nahok=Nahoko Kimura
Please read this page about nahok